MBT helps pigmented chilli peppers to expand their fruits
Release date:2024-08-13
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MBT helps pigmented chilli peppers to expand their fruits

Fine management throughout the entire growing period of chilli. Especially when it comes to the expansion period, temperature, light, water, fertiliser and air, each of which should not be taken care of. We need to focus on the following farming activities.


1. Watering management

As the leaves of chilli are small, the evaporation of water is not very large. Especially in the case of high temperatures and high humidity in the field after the start of the ambush, do not water heavily. Otherwise, it is easy to lead to the yellowing of leaves, early root failure, chilli fruit expansion is not good. We should ‘watering diligently, watering small water’.


2.Root care

In July, the temperature is high in Xinjiang, China. The field has poor ventilation, high humidity and high temperature. At this time, the number of chilli peppers is high, the expansion of pepper is fast, the nutritional demand is large, and the demand for the root system is relatively high. This easily leads to slow root renewal and root senescence. It will affect the expansion of the pepper as well as the colour change. This in turn affects yield and profitability.

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Root preservation and protection are particularly important at this stage. MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS) (5mu/bucket) is recommended for drip irrigation. It improves soil permeability, root vigour and fruit expansion.


3. Nutritional supply

The nutritional needs of chillies at the expansion stage are particularly high. At this time, most of the nutrition of chilli is supplied to the fruit for reproductive growth, and we have to supplement the nutritious fertilizer in time.

① Supplementary calcium fertiliser: it is conducive to improving the hardness of the fruit, purifying the fruit surface, preventing sunburn and many other diseases.

② Application of potash: more potash during the fruit expansion period can enhance plant resistance and improve fruit vitamin content. At the same time, effectively reduce the nitrate nitrogen content of pepper, promote fruit colouring.


In July, the lower and middle chillies are finished expanding their fruits. Our management focus should be on the small upper chillies. For plants with small and numerous upper chillies, additional applications of Monband® Kun Ka can be made. The dosage is 8-10kg/mu drip irrigation. It will help to quickly swell the upper small chillies and improve the commerciality of chillies.


Kun Ka product features:

1. Fully soluble in water, calcium and magnesium with supplement, promote root green leaves.

2. With sugar alcohol as carrier, the absorption and utilisation of calcium is significantly improved.

3. Organic combination of trace elements is conducive to improving the efficiency of fertiliser use.

4. Effectively prevent umbilical rot disease, anti-cracking fruit.

5. Increase the thickness of the fruit wall, seed more and full.