MBT Products Help Corn Grow Roots and Spread Leaves
Release date:2024-08-23
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MBT Products Help Corn Grow Roots and Spread Leaves


In order to provide an effective fertiliser programme. Demonstration of the Monband® fertiliser programme on maize. To establish a maize demonstration field in Inner Mongolia, China, after full communication.


1. Basic information on the experiment

① Trial site:A county and district in Inner Mongolia, China

② Trial crop:Maize (30mu)

③ Products to be used and dosage:

外贸版普利纳 组合图(2).png

Monband® MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS):5kg/mu


Monband® Xi Gu:500g/mu

首乐 高氮型.png

Monband® Shou Le (high-nitrogen type):8kg/mu


2. Content of field visits 

① Compare and contrast the root system, stem base of corn.

② Compare and contrast the root system, plant height and stem thickness of maize.

③ Twenty-four rows of maize were selected from each of the MBT test and control fields.Twenty maize plants were selected at a fixed distance from each of the 6th, 12th and 18th rows, totalling 120 plants.They were measured for plant height, stem thickness, and total number of unfolded leaves.


3. Experimental data and analyses

① Well-developed root system


Observation of the two graphs shows that comparing the root system after 13 and 54 days of Monband® MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS), the plants were found to have a huge root system with a lot of white roots. This favours the accumulation of nutrients in the plant.

② Better overall growth


Combined with the plant morphology shown above, it is clear that the overall growth of the maize was better with the MBT fertiliser programme. With very little difference in the total number of unfolded leaves between the MBT test group and the control group, the maize in the MBT test group had thicker stems on average and higher plant heights on average.


4. Experimental conclusion

Using the Monband® MBT programme for maize, the MBT trial field outperformed the control field in all indicators.The maize in the MBT trial field had good overall crop growth and a well-developed root system. The stalks of maize are thick and strong with large leaf area. It is conducive to providing a material basis for high crop yields.