MBT PULI Products Helps Grape Crops Nourish Roots and Strengthen Trees
Unstable temperatures, insufficient light, and relatively large temperature differences are all important causes of weak Shine-Muscat trees. When the tree is not strong enough, the Shine-Muscats resilience deteriorates, and problems such as yellow lea…
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Winter jujube flowering management and expansion of water and fertilizer
Winter jujube greenhouses have warm greenhouses, quilt greenhouses, steel frame greenhouses, spring greenhouses, rain greenhouses and other types. Their essential difference lies in the regulation of temperature to promote early warming, early budding…
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MBT PULI-KE solves betel nut root composting and root rotting problems
MBT PULI-KE is prepared by microbial enzymatic hydrolysis of mineral humic acid. The product is compounded with a variety of nutrients. It can replenish the soil with organic matter and large amount of elements, promote the formation of soil granular …
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Citrus Nutrition Program
The field management in this period is to control the summer tip and prevent vigorous growth, and promote fruit expansion.
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MBT PULI-NANO for soil rejuvenation and growth promotion ——Strawberry and tomato crop
MBT PULI-NANO can quickly replenish the soil organic nutrients, promote the growth of the root system, promote the formation of the agglomeration structure, enhance the effectiveness of fertilizer, laying a foundation for high crop yields and quality …
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