Management tips for young blueberries
Release date:2024-03-11
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Management tips for young blueberries

In January 2024, young blueberry fruit is gradually showing, bringing farmers a bumper crop. The price of freshly listed blueberries is very high, and some varieties can reach 100 yuan/catty. Then, in order to protect the farmers' income, it is inevitable to ensure the yield and quality of blueberries, and the management of the young fruit period must be emphasized.



The two growth peaks of the blueberry root system are related to the temperature, the soil temperature is lower than 14 ℃, higher than 18 ℃ when the root growth slows down, lower than 8 ℃ when the root growth almost stops. During flowering, the indoor daytime temperature is maintained at 20-22 ℃, is strictly prohibited more than 25 ℃; nighttime is maintained at 7-10 ℃, is strictly prohibited less than 6 ℃, in order to prevent the temperature is too high or too low, affecting the pollination, fertilization, and reduce the rate of fruit set. After the blossom, the indoor temperature should be gradually raised again, the daytime temperature should be raised to 20-25 ℃, the night maintained at 8-12 ℃. Young fruit rapid expansion period, the daytime temperature increased to 23-28 ℃, the night temperature maintained at 10-15 ℃, the temperature of the young fruit period compared to the flowering period is gradually increased.



Fruit expansion period, at the same time is the blueberry's new slightly prosperous long time, as well as the beginning of the physiological differentiation of flower bud differentiation, water shortage will lead to the new growth of poor, fruit development and flower bud differentiation is hindered. Fruit development, such as humidity is too large, easy to cause new growth, affecting light and competition for nutrients, resulting in physiological fruit drop, humidity should be controlled at 60% -70%. In general, soil moisture should be controlled in the field water holding capacity of about 70% is appropriate, too high or too low are not conducive to the growth and development of blueberries.



Blueberry young fruit period of nitrogen demand is relatively high, should be less or no nitrate nitrogen fertilizer, prohibited chlorine-containing fertilizers, calcium has the ability to absorb quickly and accumulate, planted in calcareous soil is prone to calcium poisoning, resulting in a lack of iron loss of green, seriously affecting the growth and development of blueberries.



You can use Monband® MBT PULI-YUAN ROOT ®, on the one hand, to promote the growth of the root system, on the one hand, to promote the development of young fruit. Fertilizer is best applied in small quantities, drip irrigation and foliar spraying at the same time, to reduce the burden on the root system and increase the overall balanced nutritional supplementation.