Winter jujube flowering management and expansion of water and fertilizer
Release date:2024-06-04
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Winter jujube flowering management and expansion of water and fertilizer


Winter jujube greenhouses have warm greenhouses, quilt greenhouses, steel frame greenhouses, spring greenhouses, rain greenhouses and other types. Their essential difference lies in the regulation of temperature to promote early warming, early budding, early flowering and early market of winter jujube. However, in the flowering period management should maintain its stability, should not be rushed.


1. Pay attention to the temperature Timely ventilation


Recently, the climate is quite special, and the temperature is generally high. We need to ventilate in time to avoid adverse effects on the birth buds of winter jujube. The temperature should not be too high during the flowering period of winter jujube, and it is usually compatible with the tree strength and the soil in the field. When the tree is strong, soil humidity is big, the temperature can be appropriately high. When the tree is weak and the soil humidity is small, the temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will easily lead to scorched flowers. At the same time, we should pay attention to the date maggot and red spider damage aggravated by high temperature and dry weather. Seat date medicine should not be hit too early, it should be done when the flowering is more than 70%. Usually it is better to hit the medicine when the blossom starts to fall. We suggest that the prosperous trees should be ring peeled first and then medicated, and the mediocre and weak trees should be medicated first and then ring peeled.


2. Comprehensive Nutrition A balanced supplement


Expansion period is the key period to decide the size and quality of jujube fruit, should follow up water and fertilizer in time. Winter jujube fertilization interval is long, and flowering and fruiting will consume more nutrients. We suggest using balanced fertilizer as the basic nutritional skeleton to ensure nutritional supplementation after blossom and fruit fall. At the same time, reduce the occurrence of bitter pox disease of winter jujube by supplementing the middle and trace elements, and supplement with rooting fertilizer to accelerate the rate of nutrient absorption.

萌帮卡丁 通用型 正面效果图.png力福 10kg(7.2L)包装.png

Recommended to use Monband®Ka Ding®10kg+Li Fu®10kg. comprehensive nutrition, balanced supplementation. Chelated calcium is not easy to be precipitated and has high absorption and utilization rate.