MBT PULI-NANO solves Shine-Muscat's premature aging problem
Release date:2024-07-12
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MBT PULI-NANO solves Shine-Muscat's premature aging problem


The normal functional period of grape leaves is 70-90 days. It is normal for the leaves to age below the cluster at the end of the sugar period. However, if the upper leaves appear yellow, it belongs to premature senescence. Once early senescence occurs, the amount of effective leaves in the late season is reduced and not enough nutrients can be accumulated. This not only affects the sugar production of Shine-Muscat, but also makes it easy for the fruit to become soft and even "water-canning disease" to occur.


This year, many parks have experienced early branch lignification.Shine-Muscat's branch lignification is a normal physiological phenomenon during the growth of grapes. This is a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs during the growth of Shine-Muscat grapes. It occurs when the nutrients produced by the leaves in the later stages of the plant's growth are stored in the branches in the form of starch, and the cell walls of the xylem, phloem and medullary rays of the branches thicken, resulting in lignification of the branches as they stiffen up and become darker in colour. 


This belongs to the same principle as the nutrient return after we harvest the fruit. Normal branch lignification should start at the hard core stage. However, in some parks, the yellowing of branches occurs not long after the expansion treatment. By the sclerotia stage, the yellowing of the branches had reached the top and the lower part was browning to 3 or 4 internodes. Early lignification and early aging of branches may lead to early aging of leaves and higher risk of early senescence, which we need to pay extra attention to.

Preventive measures:

1. Prevent magnesium deficiency yellowing


Acidic soil in southern China, magnesium is easy to lose, absorption and utilisation rate is low. Especially in the late stage of excessive application of high potash fertiliser, potassium and magnesium antagonism occurs, affecting magnesium absorption, leaves are prone to magnesium deficiency yellowing. It should be noted that SO4 rootstocks have a weak absorption capacity for magnesium and should be supplemented in time.

2. Ensure enough functional leaves


First of all, Shine-Muscat will add foliar fertiliser such as seaweed extract and amino acid when it is normally dosed. It helps to prolong the functional period of the leaves and delay the aging of the leaves. Secondly, Shine-Muscat leaves the secondary tips, the secondary tips of the leaves grow later, senescence is also late. In areas where picking is late and prone to early senescence, it is recommended to leave more secondary tips. If the lower leaves yellow and lose their functionality, make sure there are still enough functional leaves in the upper part.

3. Less use of hormone fertiliser

Some of the products on the market to promote sugar contain hormone components, the sugar is not by nutrients, but by "ripening". By accelerating fruit ripening, to promote the purpose of sugar. This principle is similar to some of the weak tree spikelets will ripen earlier after being exposed to the sun. Prolonged application of hormone-containing "fertilisers" to force ripening will accelerate tree senescence. For this reason, we should reduce the use of hormone fertiliser.


4. Reasonable use of fertiliser

Early application of potash, easy to cause early lignification of branches, causing early decline. According to the field growth, market time and other actual conditions, reasonable determination of high potash fertiliser intervention time. Especially for the area with the demand of keeping trees fresh, the later period should focus on balanced fertiliser, and try to postpone the application of high potash fertiliser.


5. Old tree roots are old first, to strengthen the tree potential first to protect the root system

Currently, some Shine-Muscat planting areas are overly pursuing high yield. Mu yield to stay tens of thousands of pounds of fruit, the fear of fruit growth will be desperately on the fertiliser. This will lead to early aging of the root system, resulting in early failure.

MBT PULI-NANO - multifunctional biostimulant, prepared by advanced microbial enzymatic and nano-suspension processes, contains a variety of highly active natural organic substances.

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High content of organic matter and mineral humic acid provide a more suitable soil environment for the root system. A variety of amino acids, organic acids and other natural functional substances, which help to maintain the vitality of the tree and delay aging.