MB35-5 appeared in the second North China Agricultural (vegetable) science and technology innovation and Development Conference
Release date:2023-10-07
Author:Original on this website
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On June 11, the second China Northern Agricultural (vegetable) science and technology innovation and development conference was held in Zhaoxian experimental station of Shijiazhuang academy of agriculture and Forestry Sciences.


Shijiazhuang is a national modern agricultural demonstration area. In recent years, Shijiazhuang has taken the opportunity of implementing the coordinated development strategy of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, closely around the main line of agricultural supply side structural reform, while stabilizing grain production capacity, in accordance with the working idea of "building bases, expanding facilities, improving quality and increasing benefits", with scientific and technological innovation as the guide, standardized production as the core, and vegetable standard garden as the starting point, Promote the high quality and efficient development of vegetable industry. In 2019, the city's vegetable planting area will reach 953000 mu, with a total output of 5.02 million tons, becoming one of the three pillar industries of the city's agricultural economy.



Song manger of Monband introduced MB35-5 family products to you at the booth, and described two discoveries about agricultural production efficiency of Hebei Monband: in 2009, he found that the fertilizer absorption and utilization rate was low, the effect was slow, and the application method was extensive. In order to solve the problems of the times, Monband began to explore water-soluble fertilizer, all element water-soluble fertilizer, supplement the short board of wooden barrel, and the crops were high yield and high quality, High quality water-soluble fertilizer is produced to improve the absorption and utilization rate of fertilizer. In 2018, it was found that the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium met with a bottleneck, and the user suggested that they were not tolerant to storage, so there must be other elements to improve the nutrients, and later found that this element was silicon. The fourth element can not be effectively absorbed and utilized. Due to the obvious soil hardening, acidification and salinization, Monband began to explore bio silicon fertilizer (silicon dissolving microbial agent) to solve the problem that silicon in soil is not easy to be absorbed.


At present, under the macro background of promoting weight loss and drug reduction and the voice of quota fertilization, microbial fertilizer has once again become a hot spot and ushered in a new market opportunity.


After reading manager song's introduction, let's relieve eye fatigue and have a look at the beautiful photos of melons and fruits.