Response to low temperature and low light in strawberries
Release date:2024-03-14
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Response to low temperature and low light in strawberries


Strawberries are suitable for growth in a warm and cool climate of 15 ℃ - 22 ℃, root growth temperature 5 ℃ - 30 ℃. To cope with the strawberry low temperature and low light, you need to pay attention to the following 3 aspects:

李晨阳 草莓园.jpg


1. Ensure the right temperature


The temperature is suitable, that is, the night temperature, the ground temperature can not be too low, otherwise constraints on the growth of strawberries. Moreover, it is not appropriate to let the wind out for a long time during the day, and it is necessary to keep the light for a long time.


When planting strawberries in cold greenhouses, usually use gas stoves, electric heat lamps to increase the temperature, or use diesel heaters, pc pipe hot water circulation, etc., and you can use small arches and grass curtains for heat preservation work.


2. Maintain a reasonable leaf to fruit ratio


The leaf-fruit ratio of strawberries should be kept between 1.5 and 2.1/1, which can be slightly adjusted according to different varieties, growth, weather conditions, etc. For example, try to maintain a high leaf-fruit ratio before the onset of cloudy or rainy weather.


Before the onset of cloudy, rainy and snowy weather, try to maintain a high leaf-fruit ratio to ensure the overall energy supply of strawberries, and appropriately retain the old leaves with photosynthetic capacity.


Another example is that old leaves should be retained appropriately when the growth trend is strong, which will help to concentrate the nutrients to the flowers and fruits.


3. Do not water when experiencing cloudy, rainy or snowy weather


When cloudy, rainy, snowy weather persists, the nutritional supply of strawberries should be fully considered.



Before the arrival of cold air, the main application of organic matter, humic acid, amino acid fertilizer. Monband ® MBT PULI-YUAN ROOT ®maintains ground temperature and root respiration through the increase of organic matter. At the same time, reducing 1/4 - 1/3 of the elemental fertilizer and 1/5 of the water can effectively avoid the decrease of ground temperature and prevent excessive soil water content.