Fertilization management of betel nut during fruit set
Release date:2024-03-18
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Fertilization management of betel nut during fruit set


Scientific fertilization during the flowering and fruiting period is the most important thing to improve the fruiting rate and yield of betel nut. So, how to fertilize betel nut during flowering and fruiting?


1.Scientific water control


Betel nut is a shallow rooted crop, sensitive to water, afraid of both flooding and drought. In the dry season, betel nut needs more irrigation, drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation can be used, and the irrigation amount reaches 70% of the field water holding capacity, and it is recommended to irrigate once every 7 days.


If the betel nut plantation is located on a hillside, the land should be leveled or furrowed to maintain soil and water and prevent nutrient loss.



2.Supply sufficient large amount of elements


The flowering and fruiting period is the most vigorous period of nutrient absorption and reproductive development of betel nut, both to ensure the normal growth of betel nut tree and the normal development of flower buds.



Monband® MBT PULI-NANO ® (5 kg/mu) is good for maintaining the root system, replenishing the soil organic matter and promoting the absorption and utilization of nutrients by the tree.