MBT PULI Products Helps Grape Crops Nourish Roots and Strengthen Trees
Release date:2024-06-06
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MBT PULI Products Helps Grape Crops Nourish Roots and Strengthen Trees


Unstable temperatures, insufficient light, and relatively large temperature differences are all important causes of weak Shine-Muscat trees. When the tree is not strong enough, the Shine-Muscat's resilience deteriorates, and problems such as yellow leaves and leaflets follow. Therefore, we need to cultivate and strengthen the tree potential early, otherwise the tree nutrition is insufficient in the early stage, the late pull spikes, expanding the fruit will be more difficult, the plant is very easy to occur early decline phenomenon. Fruit expansion is difficult, premature soft fruit, will seriously affect the commerciality of Shine-Muscat, and ultimately lead to crop yield reduction, the grower's income is reduced.


In this regard, we recommend the application of Monband® MBT PULI-KE before and after fruit preservation. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of the product helps to replenish the tree's nutrients and organic matter quickly. Humic acid is an effective soil conditioner and, together with water supplementation, helps to nourish the roots and strengthen the tree. It is conducive to the accumulation of nutrients needed for fruit expansion, effectively improve the yellowing of leaves, early decline of the tree and other problems. Especially for growers who did not use bottom fertiliser last year, it is more important to supplement organic matter in the late growth period of Shine-Muscat. Organic matter is an important factor affecting the commerciality of Shine-Muscat, once the soil lacks organic matter, low fertility, the plant will not be able to grow a strong enough root system, which precisely determines the degree of Shine-Muscat's strong flavour.


Leaf performance on 20 May


On 24th May (4 days after application of MBT PULI-KE), the yellowing of leaves has significantly improved


Fertiliser application on 20 May


In the case of disintegration on 24 May, MBT PULI-KE was able to rapidly release inorganic nutrients to ensure short-term nutrient supply to the tree


In addition, for Shine-Muscat trees with severe leaflet disease, we can apply MBT PULI-NANO separately. The high concentration of organic matter and humic acid in the product can effectively improve soil quality, nourish and strengthen roots. Multi-biostimulants promote the uptake and utilisation of nutrients in the soil, which in turn improves leaflet virus disease. It is also conducive to the cultivation of tree strength and the accumulation of sufficient nutrients for later fruit expansion, sugar and flavour increase.

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Organic matter plays a pivotal role in the whole growth cycle of sunshine roses. For areas with acidic soil, the organic matter content is insufficient, thus Shine-Muscat faces the embarrassing situation of ‘only sunshine, no roses’, and its commerciality and market competitiveness are seriously affected. This is also an important reason why the price of Shine-Muscat has decreased in recent years. Due to the high pressure of land production and fast consumption of organic matter, we need to replenish soil organic matter in a timely manner in order to realise the sustainable development of land resources and agriculture.