How to Prevent Early Strawberry Decline
Release date:2024-03-21
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How to Prevent Early Strawberry Decline


Early strawberry failure is mainly characterized by poor root system, slow growth, plant shrinkage, yellowing of leaves, late development of flowers and fruits and low number. As a common problem in planting management, early strawberry failure not only affects fruit quality and reduces yield, but also restricts the economic value of strawberries in serious cases.



So, what can we do to prevent premature strawberry failure?


1. Nurture seedlings and protect roots


Improve the root system vitality is the key link to prevent early decline. Fertilizer application, should adhere to the "small amount of time, thin fertilizer, diligent application" principle, to avoid excessive salinity caused by root damage. Do timely fertilizer, to ensure the long-term supply of nutrients.



2. Scientific management Thinning flowers and fruits


Strawberries are often weak in the early stages of growth, you can appropriately thin out some flower buds to feed the roots and seedlings. After the seedling is strong, then leave flowers and fruits, which is helpful to prevent strawberry early decline. Pay attention to the removal of strawberry lower old leaves, dead leaves and diseased leaves, easy strawberry light, air, reduce the spread of disease.



3. Precise Fertilization Balanced Nutrition


The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium required by plants and the amount of fertilizer applied vary according to the growth period. It should be considered according to the growth period, soil fertility and plant growth, so as to achieve a balanced and appropriate amount.



4. Enhance the resilience against pests and diseases


Emphasize on the preliminary management to enhance the resilience of strawberries, so as to effectively reduce the risk of infection by pests and diseases. In the control of pests and diseases, the plant protection policy of "prevention is the mainstay, combining prevention and treatment" should be upheld.