Field management of pepper seedlings
Release date:2024-04-11
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Field management of pepper seedlings

Good chili pepper seedlings are a solid foundation for promoting chili peppers to improve quality and increase production. Currently it is the key period of pigmented pepper. At this time, the overall shape of the chili pepper seedling is small, the root system is weak, and it is easy to be affected by the temperature and other external environment.



So, how can we take care of pepper seedlings scientifically?


1. Calculate the time to set peppers


The setting of seedlings should be done when the cotyledons of the chili pepper are fully expanded and the true leaves are just showing. This helps to avoid damage to the root system of the chili pepper seedlings. It can guarantee the survival rate of chili pepper seedlings.



2. Water small amounts and often


Before and after peppers are set, it is sufficient to keep watering little and often. Excessive watering tends to result in the peppers growing unduly and getting sick. This is detrimental to the growth and development of peppers.


3. Dynamically adjusting the windrows


The upwind opening of the pepper shed has to be dynamically adjusted. It can be adjusted according to the outside temperature and humidity changes. This will help to promote moisture removal and temperature control of the pepper shed. Please do not leave the wind vent of the pepper shed unattended after opening it.



4. Reasonable supplementation of nutrition



MBT-PULI-Yuan-Balance (70-70-70) is recommended. This product is used diluted 800-1000 times. It can be drench sprayed or hanging sprayed. It facilitates rapid replenishment of organic nutrients in seedling trays and improves the permeability of soil in hole trays. It stimulates root growth and enhances fertilizer efficiency for steady, strong growth of pepper seedlings.