MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS) prevents betel nut from splitting fruit
Release date:2024-08-28
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MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS) prevents betel nut from splitting fruit


The main cause of betel nut fruit cracking is a drier pre-growth period. Continuous precipitation or heavy rainfall increases soil moisture drastically. The crop root system rapidly absorbs water, resulting in a sharp increase in fruit size. Fruit expansion pressure increases, which ultimately leads to epidermal swelling and cracking, and fruit splitting occurs.


To reduce betel nut cracking, first focus on the early young fruit development. During the fruit expansion period, we need to supplement the fruit tree nutrition in a balanced way. Do not neglect micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium and boron. 

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We recommend applying Monband®Kun Ka® (4~6 kg/mu) and supplementing calcium, magnesium and boron at the same time. It is not only good for flower and fruit retention, but also increases the toughness of the fruit skin and reduces fruit cracking. For trees that are not individually supplemented with boron in the early stage or are supplemented less frequently, we can apply boron fertiliser for fruit trees individually. But do not use boron in excess, 2-3 g per tree can be.


Secondly, it is important to drain the field promptly after heavy rains. This will allow the soil to maintain a suitable moisture content. Especially for betel nut, which is a fibrous root crop with a shallow root system, prolonged waterlogging will cause betel nut to macerate and nutrient transport to be inhibited, which will lead to subsequent flower and fruit drop in the fruit tree.

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In addition, an appropriate amount of organic fertiliser can be added to betel nut after the rains. Monband® MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS) (3 kg/acre) is recommended. The product contains humic acid, various amino acids and organic acids. It helps to improve the inter-root growth environment of betel nut and stimulates root growth. At the same time, we need to supplement betel nut foliage with calcium to promote fruit expansion.

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Finally, the problem of yellowing betel nut fruits may occur due to the root system absorbing a lot of water after rain, resulting in nutrient (especially potassium) deficiency. At this time, we can apply a top-up application of high potassium type fertiliser. We recommend Monband®Gu Yu® (high potassium type) (6~8 kg/mu), which is good for replenishing large amount of elements to the fruit trees quickly, and promoting betel nut fruit expansion and re-greening.