Shine-Muscat fertilizer application, choose MBT PULI-KE
Release date:2024-09-02
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Shine-Muscat fertilizer application, choose MBT PULI-KE

At present, the harvest of Shine-Muscat in some areas has been completed. The application of bottom fertilizer has become the focus of subsequent management. So, what are the precautions for the application of Shine-Muscat fertilizer?

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The role of bottom fertilizer application.

1.Apply organic fertilizer to improve the soil bottom. It is beneficial to increase the content of organic matter in soil and promote the formation of soil aggregate structure. Increase soil permeability, and then achieve the purpose of soil improvement.

2. Promote nutrient reflux.After picking fruit, nutrients generated by leaf photosynthesis will be stored in the tree, that is, nutrient reflux. By storing nutrients, it can meet the nutritional needs of the Shine-Muscat in the next year's germination and early bud differentiation.

When the leaves did not reach the egg size in the early second year, the photosynthetic capacity of crops was not strong. The nutrients produced at this stage are not enough to support the growth and inflorescence development of the sun rose. So most of the nutrients in the tree come from the nutrients stored in the tree last year, providing it with nutritional power.


The best time to apply base fertilizer

The optimum application time of base fertilizer should be determined according to the local climate. It is recommended to apply the base fertilizer when the ground temperature drops to 25℃, and the temperature is about 30℃, which is just the peak of the rooting of grapes.


Organic fertilizer can not only be used on the surface, otherwise it will cause the root system to float, and it is easy to damage the root system in high temperature environment. To improve the soil and prevent roots from rising. We need to apply organic fertilizer to the soil by rotating tilling or ditching, but this method will inevitably damage some roots. 

Therefore, we recommend the application of base fertilizer at the peak of rooting to ensure that the damaged root system recovers as soon as possible. At this time, the leaves are not falling, but also can carry out photosynthesis. The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the base fertilizer can be converted and used in time and stored in the tree body.

Precautions for the application of bottom fertilizer

1. Pay attention to distance and depth

Under normal circumstances, when the rotary tillage position is about 40-50cm away from the root system, the damage to the root system can be reduced as much as possible.

The depth of trenching depends on the strength of the tree potential. The deeper the ditch, the better the soil improvement effect, but the greater the damage to the root system. Therefore, for the strong tree of the Shine-Muscat, the depth of the ditch can be properly deep, even if the root damage is more and more can be recovered. For the weak Shine-Muscat, the root recovery ability is poor. Deep ditching is not recommended to protect the root system. If it is not well grasped, it is usually recommended to set the trench depth to 10-15cm.


2. Open only one side of the ditch

If both sides are ditched at the same time, the root system is too damaged. If you can't recover this year, it will have an impact on next year's tree. We need to note that the opening of the Shine-Muscat should only be opened on one side.

3. Mix the organic fertilizer and soil well

Organic fertilizers do not melt in the soil, only disintegrate, and mobility is poor. The disintegrating organic matter needs to be bonded to soil particles. And then form the aggregate structure, in order to achieve the purpose of improving the soil. Therefore, in order to make the organic fertilizer fully play its role, it should be mixed with the soil.


4. Good quality manure, low salt and completely decomposed

First of all, it must be completely decomposed, and the decomposition of manure takes a long time. Manure that is not fully decomposed will continue to heat up and produce ammonia. The application of soil will cause the crop to burn roots, especially the new roots will not be able to launch smoothly.

At the same time, livestock will eat salt during artificial feeding. There is more or less salt left in the manure, if the salt content exceeds the soil's own purification capacity. Then the salt will continue to accumulate in the soil, which will affect the normal physiological activities of the plant.


Chicken manure causes soil salinity to be too high, leaves to be yellow, and trees to be weak


Recommended application Monband® MBT PULI-KE, this product contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, for the Shine-Muscat nutrient accumulation. Organic matter can improve soil and make it more loose. Activated humic acid, fulvic acid. It is beneficial to promote the release of new roots and restore the root damage caused by ditching or rotary tillage. In addition, small molecules of humic acid, fulvic acid. The infiltration ability in the soil is strong, which will guide the roots down, and the deep roots can make the tree strong.


Comparison of roots on ridges: More and stronger roots were found after applying MBT PULI-KE


Comparison of deep-dug roots at the ridge side: applying MBT PULI-KE roots to dig deeper
