Management of Shine-Muscat after harvest, try MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS)
Release date:2024-09-23
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Management of Shine-Muscat after harvest, try MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS)

The management of Shine-Muscat after harvest is focused on restoring tree growth, promoting branch aging, flower bud differentiation and nutrient accumulation. Lay a good foundation for next year's fruit. At this time, field management should pay attention to the following aspects.


1. Field water management

After harvesting, the amount of fertilizer used can be appropriately reduced, but adequate moisture must be ensuredSome of the plots will increase the sugar content by controlling the water near harvest. As a result, the field is relatively dry after harvest, and water needs to be supplemented in time.

2. Application of fertilization

The nutrients of the tree are mainly provided for the growth of the fruit. Therefore, the nutrients of the tree body are in the state of deficit after fruit picking, and it is necessary to restore the tree growth with fertilizer.

The choice of fertilization depends on the tree potential. If the tree is good and the new shoot grows quickly, it is recommended to use Monband®GuYu®20-20-20 to provide balanced nutrients.With MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS) robust tree potential to prevent premature aging, Monband®XiGu® trace elements to promote flower bud differentiation

If the tree is week and the new shoot growth is slow, use Monband®GuYu ®30-10-10 high nitrogen formula with MBT PULI-NANO (MBT SUS) and Monband®XiGu® to quickly restore the tree growth.

If the lower part of the branch leaves yellow, magnesium fertilizer is needed to extend the functional period of the leaves. At this time, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced, and a large amount of elemental fertilizer (5kilograms per acre) can be applied once every 10-15 days.



3. Branch management

After picking, there is no fruit to suppress the tree, and the ability of the top of the branches to snatch nutrients is strengthened. Easy to lead to growth, resulting in nutrient waste. Not conducive to aging branches. Therefore, the branches need to be pruned back.


The degree of pruning depends on the degree of tree potential aging. If the lower leaves of the branch are relatively healthy and the aging yellow is not serious, only 1-2 leaves can be left at the top. The following part of the leaf aging is serious, especially in the plot of burning shed, it is necessary to leave a few more leaves in the new tip and secondary tip to ensure that there are enough functional leaves at this time.


4. Pulling branches and dried buds

Trim the branches where they are too dense. Cut off some weak branches in time. Increase the permeability of branches. Remove 2-3 leaves at the bottom of the branch to ensure that the location of the winter bud is ventilated and transparent. It is helpful for flower bud differentiation of winter bud.

5.Pest and disease control

After the fruit is picked, it is necessary to focus on the prevention of downy mildew, black pox, brown spot, green worm and other pests and diseases. If the local temperature is high, it is also necessary to prevent red spiders.Good control of pests and diseases, more healthy green leaves, you can accumulate more nutrients.