Field management of bergamot strong flower
Release date:2024-04-27
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Field management of bergamot strong flower

With the advent of spring, bergamot enters the period of present buds and spring budburst. Strong flower is the top priority of field management at this stage. With sufficient nutrition, the bergamot blooms uniformly and the flowers are of high quality, which is conducive to the preservation of flowers and fruits in the later crop.


A large number of flowering will be accompanied by a large amount of nutrient consumption. At the same time, this stage is also the first peak of activity of the root system of Vaucan. We need to promote the awakening of roots and new root sprouting while replenishing the nutrients of Vaucan. This will help to promote crop growth.


For Vaucan plants that are still fruiting, Monband® MBT PULI-NANO ® (diluted 300 times) can be applied retroactively. It is beneficial to supply sufficient nutrients for the strong flowers of Wokan and ensure that the fruits do not return to the green.


The MBT PULI-NANO ® program for bergamot results in fuller buds and better plant growth.